Gue adalah penyuka komik. Tapi, gue bukan penggemar gila buat komik. Ga semua komik bisa gue baca. Cuma yang tertentu aja dan rata rata sih yang ceritanya standar.
Miiko salah satunya. Gue suka suka suka banget ama komik jenis ini. Ono Eriko is a great person. Ono bisa ngebuat cerita sederhana tapi sungguh mengasyikan untuk dibaca.
Awalnya gue tau ada komik ini waktu gue kelas 3 SMP. Haha telat banget ya?
Semenjak itu gue mulai ngumpulin komik Miiko. Sebenernya ngumpulin komiknya atas prakarsa kakak gue. Dia maksa maksa gue biar beli komiknya, tapi ujung-ujungnya yang beli dia, gue tinggal nyimpen di rak doang. Hihi.
Dan akhirnya, setelah berbulan-bulan menantikan kehadirannya, komik Hai, Miiko! Vol. 19, keluar juga! Senang, senang, bahagia.
Lebai :p
Well, kenapa gue suka komik yang satu ini? Karena. . .
1. Ceritanya simpel, sederhana, diselingi lelucon polos anak SD, tapi banyak kejutan di akhirannya.
2. Kebanyakan komik memperkenalkan tokoh utama sebagai anak tunggal. Liat aja kaya Nobita, Shinichi Kudo, Ran, dll. Dan ga tau kenapa ga dibuat punya sodara aja ya? Kan lebih seru.
Kalo Miiko justru punya adik yang lebih dewasa dari dia. Dan di miiko no. 19 ini, miiko punya adik bayi! Namanya Momo-chan. Lucuu.
3. Walaupun cerita miiko masih sd kelas 5, tapi pasti garing kalo cuma gitu-gitu aja. Makanya ditambahkan sedikit bumbu cinta di dalamnya. Percintaan antara Yuuko dan Kenta, Yuka dan Mamoru, also cinta segitiga antara Miiko-Tappei-Yoshida. Tapi gitulah, cinta yang masih polos, masih malu malu kucing. Ngebuat pembaca gemes ama tokohnya. Hoho.
4. Ga terlalu banyak make otak untuk mencerna isinya. Ringan, bisa sebagai teman minum teh. Wkwk
Tapi Miiko juga ada kekurangannya, ceritanya sering banget bertema Natal atau tahun baru. Padahal dari vol. 1 sampe vol. 19 tuh Miikonya masih aja kelas 5 SD.
Tapi gapapa sih, yang penting seru.
Selain itu gue juga suka komik Q.E.D, BMC, Rocket Man, yang mana ini semua satu pengarang. (Kalo ga salah sih.)
Ketiga komik itu berbau detektif. Harus muter otak biar bisa ngerti isinya. Tapi menarik juga dibaca.
Faktornya gue baca, karena kakak gue sukanya berbau bau detektif sih. Jadinya gue ikut-ikutan.
Selain itu, gue juga suka komik yang serial cantik. Ga berseri dan cerita cinta remaja. Hehe.
Bacalah komik di waktu senggang. Lusm.
Saturday, 22 November 2008
Komik Miiko
ayi: plegmatis juga melankolis. Pembawaan yang simpel, santai dan terkadang bermuka lempeng dalam semua keadaan. Masih mencari: jatidiri, makna hidup, cara terbaik membahagiakan orang tua.
Bisa nulis di kala melankolis merajai plegmatis, dan 2 kondisi terpilih: kasmaran atau temaram.
Friday, 21 November 2008
Teringat sebuah lagu lawas
Hati terasa panas
Sadar memori itu kandas
Walau pikiran tiada batas
Hati terasa panas
Sadar memori itu kandas
Walau pikiran tiada batas
ayi: plegmatis juga melankolis. Pembawaan yang simpel, santai dan terkadang bermuka lempeng dalam semua keadaan. Masih mencari: jatidiri, makna hidup, cara terbaik membahagiakan orang tua.
Bisa nulis di kala melankolis merajai plegmatis, dan 2 kondisi terpilih: kasmaran atau temaram.
Wednesday, 12 November 2008
Adakah alasan yang tepat?
Beberapa minggu yang lalu gue dapet e-mail dari orang yang ga gue kenal. Dia ngebahas topik yang sebenernya ga pernah gue pikirkan.
Mungkin kalo orang nanya ke Anda yang punya pacar/suami/istri, kenapa kamu memilih pasanganmu itu?
Banyak alasan yang dapat kamu berikan. Contohnya aja, karena dia tampan, atau kaya, atau keren atau apalah, many reasons can be expressed. Ya kan?
Tapi. . .
Pernahkah ada seseorang yang menanyakan tentang:
Mengapa kamu memilih agamamu itu?
Tentunya anak kecil ga usah ditanya, mereka belum ngerti apa apa. Tapi bagi kamu yang sudah dewasa, tentunya punya pendapat, pikiran dan alasan dong. Selama ini kita terlalu sibuk sampe sampe pertanyaan yang sebenernya sepele gini terlupakan.
Kalo jawabannya itu:
karena nyokap gue agamanya itu, bokap gue juga itu, yaudah gue ikut orang tua aja, agamanya jadi itu juga.
That's a shit reason.
Ayo dong, jawabannya lebih berbobot dikit dan lebih meyakinkan bahwa agama yang lo anut itu adalah agama yang paling sesuai.
Awalnya gue sendiri agak nyadar, kenapa ya gue milih agama gue? Tapi setelah lama berpikir, ternyata gue belum nemuin jawabannya. Haha.
Tapi nanti pasti kita nemuin sendiri apa jawabannya, bergantung apa yang ada pada kita aja.
Dan kita harus yakin sama agama kita, bahwa agama kita adalah agama yang paling benar.
Thus, what are ur reasons then? ^.~
Mungkin kalo orang nanya ke Anda yang punya pacar/suami/istri, kenapa kamu memilih pasanganmu itu?
Banyak alasan yang dapat kamu berikan. Contohnya aja, karena dia tampan, atau kaya, atau keren atau apalah, many reasons can be expressed. Ya kan?
Tapi. . .
Pernahkah ada seseorang yang menanyakan tentang:
Mengapa kamu memilih agamamu itu?
Tentunya anak kecil ga usah ditanya, mereka belum ngerti apa apa. Tapi bagi kamu yang sudah dewasa, tentunya punya pendapat, pikiran dan alasan dong. Selama ini kita terlalu sibuk sampe sampe pertanyaan yang sebenernya sepele gini terlupakan.
Kalo jawabannya itu:
karena nyokap gue agamanya itu, bokap gue juga itu, yaudah gue ikut orang tua aja, agamanya jadi itu juga.
That's a shit reason.
Ayo dong, jawabannya lebih berbobot dikit dan lebih meyakinkan bahwa agama yang lo anut itu adalah agama yang paling sesuai.
Awalnya gue sendiri agak nyadar, kenapa ya gue milih agama gue? Tapi setelah lama berpikir, ternyata gue belum nemuin jawabannya. Haha.
Tapi nanti pasti kita nemuin sendiri apa jawabannya, bergantung apa yang ada pada kita aja.
Dan kita harus yakin sama agama kita, bahwa agama kita adalah agama yang paling benar.
Thus, what are ur reasons then? ^.~
ayi: plegmatis juga melankolis. Pembawaan yang simpel, santai dan terkadang bermuka lempeng dalam semua keadaan. Masih mencari: jatidiri, makna hidup, cara terbaik membahagiakan orang tua.
Bisa nulis di kala melankolis merajai plegmatis, dan 2 kondisi terpilih: kasmaran atau temaram.
5 persons effect my life!
1. The first of all, exactly, My Mom! ^^
She is the greatest lady in the world. Beliau menjadi contoh teladan bagi gue. She survives on her life and if i were her, i guess i won't be as tough as like her. But she could make me understand what purpose of the life is. And i do, i love her so much :)
Thanks ibu for all you give to me.
2. Rae
Bukan maksud hati untuk menempatkan kakak gue di sini. Ya tapi emang kenyataannya dia di nomer urut 2 sih. He is my inspiration. Dia ngenalin gue betapa "luasnya dunia". He's also tough. He could be a good brother. He knows how to express his feeling though he's quite difference in my family of his surrounding. I had read his essays on his blog, and i couldn't see his childish behavior. He is much different, he is wiser, broad-minded, and interesting. He could tell wisely. And i'm proud of him. So, he becomes my inspiration in my life.
3. Nadia
She is my friend when i was a kid. She is energetic, funny, odd, and sporty. She was 7 and i was 5. She could ride bycycle. When i saw her ride the bycycle, i really wanted to do it too. So i learned how to ride it. And you know? Who taught me? Yes, Nadia did. She taught me! She held me till i could ride by myself. Actually, my body was bigger than her. xp
Can you imagine that? Seorang cewek yang lebih kecil tubuhnya dari gue, ngajarin gue, megangin gue sambil lari lari buat gue bisa ngendarain sepeda? What a nice girl. Because of her, now i could ride it. Thanks my friend^^. Lov yah.
4. Pak Harsono
Do you know him? He was my teacher in Junior High School in Bandar Lampung. He was a physic teacher and he was my proxy class. First time I knew about physic is from him. He could teach me well and i became to like this lesson. One day, there was sunday. Rae came home from Bogor. (He was in college in Bogor). I was happy to see him again, so we talked many things till mid night. The day after that, i went to school, and i was really surprized that i forgot something. That was, that monday would be have a physic test! Oh, big NO NO. I was pale, and physic was first lesson in the morning. I wasn't able to read or learn that. Pak Harsono came fast, and he ordered the paper. I didnt remember anything, i was in hubbub. I couldnt think clearly. I tried to cheat my shit friend, but she didnt want to show it. So i did it by myself and i was sure that i'd get jerk score. And i was right, i got 3,2. Oh damn. The worst score. Then i asked him to give me change to improve my score, but he refused. I was fed up to him. And i swore that i'd get good score on my report. I tried to do the best in every physic test. And i won! I got good good good score. Haha. Pak Harsono had made me on fire in physic. At last, untill now, i like physic. ^^
5. Rena
She is my classmate. Well, gue ama dia ga terlalu deket deket amat c. Cuma sebatas teman belajar biologi. But, one thing that i cant be like her. On July or August 2008, her mother passed away because of cancer. That was on thursday and Rena didnt come to school. She was at home and she told that her mother had gone. We all in the class were sad to hear that. Then after school, we went to her house to give her support. Her house is far from school, but we should go there. When we arrived, she was still smiling and telling the chronological her mother. And i am sure if i were her, i cant stop crying and wont go to meet people. I will be in the room all day. I will not be like her. She could pretend, she could smile, she could persuade her sister, and she takes over to be a mother for her young sister. Her load is too heavy for a girl like her, even she still has a father. But i'm sure, i cant handle all alone. Secara ga langsung, Rena ngebuat gue lebih berani ngehadapin kenyataan walaupun itu paiit banget sampe mati rasa. Rena is a strong girl! Go Rena go Rena go!
She is the greatest lady in the world. Beliau menjadi contoh teladan bagi gue. She survives on her life and if i were her, i guess i won't be as tough as like her. But she could make me understand what purpose of the life is. And i do, i love her so much :)
Thanks ibu for all you give to me.
2. Rae
Bukan maksud hati untuk menempatkan kakak gue di sini. Ya tapi emang kenyataannya dia di nomer urut 2 sih. He is my inspiration. Dia ngenalin gue betapa "luasnya dunia". He's also tough. He could be a good brother. He knows how to express his feeling though he's quite difference in my family of his surrounding. I had read his essays on his blog, and i couldn't see his childish behavior. He is much different, he is wiser, broad-minded, and interesting. He could tell wisely. And i'm proud of him. So, he becomes my inspiration in my life.
3. Nadia
She is my friend when i was a kid. She is energetic, funny, odd, and sporty. She was 7 and i was 5. She could ride bycycle. When i saw her ride the bycycle, i really wanted to do it too. So i learned how to ride it. And you know? Who taught me? Yes, Nadia did. She taught me! She held me till i could ride by myself. Actually, my body was bigger than her. xp
Can you imagine that? Seorang cewek yang lebih kecil tubuhnya dari gue, ngajarin gue, megangin gue sambil lari lari buat gue bisa ngendarain sepeda? What a nice girl. Because of her, now i could ride it. Thanks my friend^^. Lov yah.
4. Pak Harsono
Do you know him? He was my teacher in Junior High School in Bandar Lampung. He was a physic teacher and he was my proxy class. First time I knew about physic is from him. He could teach me well and i became to like this lesson. One day, there was sunday. Rae came home from Bogor. (He was in college in Bogor). I was happy to see him again, so we talked many things till mid night. The day after that, i went to school, and i was really surprized that i forgot something. That was, that monday would be have a physic test! Oh, big NO NO. I was pale, and physic was first lesson in the morning. I wasn't able to read or learn that. Pak Harsono came fast, and he ordered the paper. I didnt remember anything, i was in hubbub. I couldnt think clearly. I tried to cheat my shit friend, but she didnt want to show it. So i did it by myself and i was sure that i'd get jerk score. And i was right, i got 3,2. Oh damn. The worst score. Then i asked him to give me change to improve my score, but he refused. I was fed up to him. And i swore that i'd get good score on my report. I tried to do the best in every physic test. And i won! I got good good good score. Haha. Pak Harsono had made me on fire in physic. At last, untill now, i like physic. ^^
5. Rena
She is my classmate. Well, gue ama dia ga terlalu deket deket amat c. Cuma sebatas teman belajar biologi. But, one thing that i cant be like her. On July or August 2008, her mother passed away because of cancer. That was on thursday and Rena didnt come to school. She was at home and she told that her mother had gone. We all in the class were sad to hear that. Then after school, we went to her house to give her support. Her house is far from school, but we should go there. When we arrived, she was still smiling and telling the chronological her mother. And i am sure if i were her, i cant stop crying and wont go to meet people. I will be in the room all day. I will not be like her. She could pretend, she could smile, she could persuade her sister, and she takes over to be a mother for her young sister. Her load is too heavy for a girl like her, even she still has a father. But i'm sure, i cant handle all alone. Secara ga langsung, Rena ngebuat gue lebih berani ngehadapin kenyataan walaupun itu paiit banget sampe mati rasa. Rena is a strong girl! Go Rena go Rena go!
ayi: plegmatis juga melankolis. Pembawaan yang simpel, santai dan terkadang bermuka lempeng dalam semua keadaan. Masih mencari: jatidiri, makna hidup, cara terbaik membahagiakan orang tua.
Bisa nulis di kala melankolis merajai plegmatis, dan 2 kondisi terpilih: kasmaran atau temaram.
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